Saturday, January 12, 2013


 Weekly Topic:Ocean!  Hello everyone, again it has been a few weeks since my last post.  I have been trying to catch up on projects before I started a new term teaching (which began this week).  The book I have been working on is nearly there.  I can't wait to share it with all of you. 

This morning while my son was eating some breakfast I managed to put this together.  I have missed participating in IF and really am trying to squeeze it in, but just haven't found the time.  Let's hope as things get back in to swing I can manage it and check in on what all you other inspiring illustrators have been up to!


  1. This illustration is wonderful! I love the camouflage. Hehehehe. How clever! Oh the jellyfishes look scary!

    1. Thank you! It's interesting for me to receive two "jellyfish are scary" comments, I sort of like that idea I hadn't considered.

  2. Hello! Thanks for the comment on my blog. Your work is lovely. I like the colours in the sepia version of this one.

    1. Thanks, I like the sepia as well, couldn't decide as they both have very different feels.

  3. Holy cow, you squeezed this in during breakfast!? Really cool, steampunky observation craft! I love the sepia-toned one looking like an old photo, though the colored one is also very cool. Great details!

    1. Yes, this one did go fast.. I think its when the image is so clear in my head:) Thanks Cindy!

  4. Wow! Love the mood and dreamy colours. The jelly fish are spooky and draw you in. I think they have a story to tell.

    1. Thanks Claire! I think maybe there will be a jelly fish story in my future, these guys seem to resurface everyonce in a while.. I think I first drew a mother and baby one for a mothers day card that confused my mom a few years back:)
