Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Illustration Friday: Hybrid

Illustration Friday topic: Hybird

Come one come all to see the "Wondrous Wanda ride and play her Hybrid UniBaseCycle"

It's interesting that in considering a hybrid topic I landed here.  I often assign hybrid creature creation in my character design or photoshop classes, and it is always a favorite assignment. But I took a different route here.  

The drawing is a hybrid of sorts, traditional first (ink, paint, pencil) then digital manipulation (photoshop)


  1. what a great invention!! Why didn't I figure it earlier???
    In one word: great!!

    1. Thank you so much! Not to worry, I didn't figure it out earlier either:)

  2. Haha, oh my goodness, that would be tricky to master! Very cool vintage circus-y style! Well done!

    1. Cindy, thank you, and I agree I don't think I could master such a trick. That's why I draw them instead.

  3. That would be a difficult act to follow...in a hybrid sense...both the act of playing the instrument you're riding or riding the instrument that your'e playing...and not forgetting the act of doing a better drawing than this!

    1. Thank you so much Rod, I agree tough act to follow, but I would love to see it!

  4. Hi Alicia, I like your work, it's admirable how you can draw an entire architecture perspective and something "weird" like this. you have a wide range expressive!!!
    I like how you announce this one,
    old-style circus shows.

    1. Roberto, Thank you so much for your kind words, I just love to draw, there are times when I feel like I should settle myself to one particular style for continuity of work, but I can't help myself, so many beautiful ways to see and express the world around us.

  5. Hehe, what an amazing invention! Lovely style to your illustration - you've made black and white look vibrant

    1. Thank you so much! She was fun to draw and I truly appreciate your comments!

  6. This is very cool. I love the choice of black and white, and the details and textures are amazing.

    1. Thank you, I love the combo of traditional and digital textures, so many fun tools!

  7. Now THAT is multi-tasking!!! I am fascinated with old circus & side show art, & I just love the vintage feel of this! The black & white suits it perfectly!! Very cool style!!!

    1. Thank you so much Mitt, yes fascinating stuff!I am a bit of a nostalgic girl, love vintage stuff of all types. Thank you so much for your comments!

  8. what a cool idea for this theme!! awesome work by the way, will do my bet to visit often :)

    1. Thank you Kimberly, I appreciate your comments, I popped over to you site and you have got some pretty great work yourself! Please do stop by again and I will do the same!

  9. OH OH OH! My brother is a bass player & unicyclist!!! I am dead serious. He would love this piece & his birthday is coming up! Is it available as a print?

    1. How awesome is that!!!! He has to build one of these! Yes I can make it available as a print. Please email me and we can sort out what size ect you would like! aliciagome@gmail.com

    2. Yes, just responded to you! My apologies for the delay, started a new term this week teaching and my time got away from me:) Thank you for being patient and persistent!

  10. and she does it with a smile on her face and wearing high heels!!
    I love the vintage style.
