Sunday, December 23, 2012


Happy Holidays All!!!

Well it has been an exceptionally busy last few months and my posts dropped off and I haven't made my way around to any of my favorite blogs.  Thank you Cindy D. for getting me back on here! I am hoping I will have some time to catch up here during my holiday break! 

This is the Holiday card I sent out to all those near and dear to me.  Rather than the "angel" I usually design, I was inspired by my exceptional son for this one.  He makes everything glow!

I made over 50 of them all are prints that I then add hand coloring to
(Gold and silver paint on the stars and highlights)

I am including a pic of some ready
 to go out and my inspiration. Reid! (link to his blog)

What every you celebrate I hope it is truly magical!


  1. this is GORGEOUS, ALICIA! :-) the happiest of holidays to you!

    1. Thank you so much!! I think I kinda checked out after the BUSY FALL and looking ahead to a busy new year, I appreciate your comments so very much!

      I hope you had a wonderful Holiday season!

  2. Wow, so cool! Wonderfully designed. Glad to see you back! ;)

    1. I tried to make it back! Thank you Cindy, a appreciate you stopping by with you wonderful comments!

  3. What a fun card! It's so bright and happy, and a boy is better than an angel any day!

    1. Thank you! He is bright and happy and I am with you 100% on the whole boy vs angel thing! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!
