Sunday, August 26, 2012


Illustration Friday prompt: Tall
My son once said to me " Our House is the Tallest and Most Colorful in Town" Although this is not true (if you have looked through my other blog you can see what our house actually looks like in my autohomography series), I loved the notion and was immediately reminded of his statement when I saw the prompt for this week.

 I thought I would also share the process sketch this week as I truly debated whether or not to add color... I like the ink sketch.
(final is ink and colored pencil on toned paper)


  1. This is a wonderful drawing. I see why you like the ink sketch...but I have to say that the colored version is just great. I love the green grass and the sky--your palette is subtle but oh-so effective!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! In the end I was happy I went for color, and in this lovely digital age with easy copies of first drafts and sketches it lessens the fear when your undecided. Much like I used to feel as a painter when I would work with intaglio prints.

  2. Wow I just love this! I like the color version as well, but you always pick great rich colors that go so well together. I love how all the additions on the house get teenier toward the top! So great! (I have to try this colored pencils with ink business!)

    1. Yes, Cindy go for the colored pencils, I think you will love bringing them together! Thank you for the color comments, I too was happy I went for it!

  3. Great! I have also participated!!
