Sunday, August 26, 2012


Illustration Friday prompt: Tall
My son once said to me " Our House is the Tallest and Most Colorful in Town" Although this is not true (if you have looked through my other blog you can see what our house actually looks like in my autohomography series), I loved the notion and was immediately reminded of his statement when I saw the prompt for this week.

 I thought I would also share the process sketch this week as I truly debated whether or not to add color... I like the ink sketch.
(final is ink and colored pencil on toned paper)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Apothecary Cabinet: junkshop expanding

Lint, Capsules, Eye Shade, Soothers, and straps all contained within.

continuing to fill the junkshop.


AHHHHH! I got Mrs Monster for my second grade teacher!!!!

So this week as a teacher myself, from a family of teachers, and with my son starting second grade on Wednesday, I considered a touching portrait... but then my son started a new comic yesterday and asked me to do the same.. I started "Creature Campus" This little guy was in one of the classroom scenes from behind and I wanted to see the front of him. 

Silly fun for this week.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Junkshop Dress Form IF:Freeze

continuing with the junkshop theme

if we could Freeze time.

a stretch for the IF topic I know,
please forgive me, I am also continuing
trying to multitask my current projects:)

Monday, August 6, 2012

IF:Bounce - scale

when there are "NO SPRINGS"
there is no BOUNCE.
as it says on this vintage
industrial scale for
"honest weight"
This drawing is part of
a junkshop I am illustrating.

I have quite a few projects going
for the next two months, Hoping to
find ways to pop into IF in the
middle of it all, (or overlap the
projects when I can!)

5x9 in gouache, ink and colored pencil