Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Love to be a Daddy- hits the streets!

Here it is! I finally got to hold it in my hands yesterday and have been itching to show you since, a quick pic here of the book John Fenyes penned and I illustrated. The format of this book is a little different than you might be used to. Somewhat traditional illustrations, but the text is organized in a way that the right side of the spread is home to the rhythmic rhymes of the children's story, while the left offers a personal reflection on fatherhood, with stories and encouragement from John. A moment for the reader while the child is looking at the illustrations. Beautiful job John! So proud he invited me to be a part of this project! Thank you John for the amazing collaboration!

A website to order the book is coming soon, but in the meanwhile you can contact me via e-mail:)

Illustration Friday: Together

This has been an eventful week for myself and my sister. I decided to honor her and her team and the amazing work they do "together".  She has for many years been paddling with an incredible group of strong women, "the wikiki beach boys" in an 6 person outrigger canoe. This act alone is commendable, but this weekend they raced in the 35th "Na Wahine o ke kai" This race takes them from Molokai to Oahu over 41 miles in what ended up to be 6 hours an 19 minutes. They came in second to long time rivals by a mere 7 minutes.  They had hopes to regain the title after a year without, but had an incredible race regardless.  They did it together.

(ps, just in case you didn't know, you can click on the pic to enlarge)

more on my news another day:)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Illustration Friday: TOTEM

I couldn't resist, upon seeing the Illustration Friday topic for the week. I'm not showing you the whole drawing and this one has been manipulated a bit for color and focal point. This happens to be part of a spread in "I love to be a Daddy" where the ever evolving dad morphs himself into a totem pole while the family is on a camping trip. He shares stories of family history along with some wonderful camp stories. I enjoy the preteen son listening but pretending not to:)